our policy

Dunbar Hire Pty Ltd is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all workers, contractors, volunteers, visitors and members of the public. Hazards or risks to health and safety will be eliminated or minimised, as far as is reasonably practicable, so as to prevent injury, illnesses and dangerous incidents.

The Safety Management System will be reviewed by senior management yearly with a view to achieving continual improvement of the system.  The review will include the objectives and targets set for each previous year.  Performance shall be monitored against established performance targets and results reported to Directors on a regular basis.

Dunbar Hire Pty Ltd Management will:

·      Complying with legislation for all matters relating to work health and safety

·      Providing a safe working environment

·      Providing safe working conditions and safe operating procedures for all company activities

·      Eliminating workplace hazards

·      Developing a consultation process that involves all workers in identifying and resolving health and safety issues

·      Providing workers with information, instruction, training and supervision to allow workers to work safely and without risk to their health

·      Providing contractors and visitors with information, instruction, training and supervision to work safely and without risk to their health

·      Making safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) available as per DSH uniform policy

Each worker has the duty to:

·      Follow all safe work practices, procedures, instructions and rules

·      Work in a manner which ensures the health and safety of him or herself and others

·      Encourage other workers to work in a healthy and safe manner

·      Participate in training

·      Report or rectify any unsafe conditions that come to their attention.

This policy is an integral part of our total management plan. Our goal is to have zero injuries to workers, contractors and members of the public within our workplace. This can only be achieved through consultation with and cooperation by all.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility.